Saturday, May 15, 2010

So we are officially in California!!! We've been planning this trip and saving money for over a year and part of me still can't believe it actually happened! I'm so excited to be here. And so far we've had no major problems, no flat tires, no running out of gas, no getting lost!! Everything is going perfectly and we are having a blast so far!! And I am sooo ridiculously excited for the San Diego Zoo tomorrow!!! (it has like 8 aviaries!)

Right now we're about 20-30 minutes outside of San Diego in a city named El Cajon. We are staying with Jim and Gail Pyle, who are quite possibly 2 of my new favorite people. Jim is an ooooold friend of my Uncle Kevin's (they've known each other since about 1st grade) and we have never met him before today! We were a little nervous that it was going to be awkward or weird, but it turns out that we were worried about nothing! They are seriously some of the coolest adults I have ever met! We spent all evening just hanging out and chatting and watching youtube videos! Gail made chicken, broccoli, and cheese casserole for dinner and it was scrumptious! While we were eating and hanging out Jim disappeared for 2 minutes and came back with 3 tickets to the San Diego Zoo for us. He said that they had them laying around and have been trying to give them to people for months because they weren't going to use them. Needless to say, we gladly and gratefully accepted them, which will save us quite a bit of money tomorrow!

Getting videos to upload on this website is like a 2 hour process! So we have a whole lot more of them that we can't get on here. We'll try putting them on our facebooks and then adding links or something.

Here is the link to one of our videos from Texas!

Nicki G

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